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Living in the logging camps


In the 19th century loggers had to built their logging site dwellings themselves. Those camps were usually rapidly made ascetic buildings.

After 1890 timber companies started to built dwellings to the biggest logging sites. In 1928 passed a law which obliged timber companies to build dwellings for loggers. Usually there were also a stable for horses and a sauna on the biggest logging sites.


After working day men went to camp to ate, drank coffee, took care of horses, sharpened their tools. They also spent their free time by playing cards and telling stories. There were also portable libraries moving over camps and later radio or even newspapers. Men had to also take care of heating of the camp and help the female cook. Before the time of camp hostesses, men cooked their meals themselves.

Camps were usually cramped and men protected their own places and belongings jealously. There was an “unwritten camp law” which ensured that a proper deal of privacy, hygiene and manners took place.

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